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Dr Pérez de Isla: “The clinical eye is accumulated experience; it is not a gift, it is simply learning”

We interviewed Dr Leopoldo Pérez de Isla, a Practicum Script validator and Head of the Cardiovascular Imaging Unit of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos in Madrid (Spain). We asked him about matters such as medical criteria, training of clinical reasoning skills, and experimentation in an environment free of consequences. 

Practicum Script deploys 4 new training courses for more than 3,500 physicians in 3 Hispanic-American countries

Practicum Script has launched a campaign with four new courses in Spain, Argentina, and Ecuador. The academic offer is supported by the Clinical Cardiology Section of the Spanish Society of Cardiology and is sponsored by Mylan, the Argentine Federation of Cardiology, and a leading laboratory in generic compounds. 

The president of the FAC renews his commitment to Practicum and ensures that “there is no way to approach the patient without permanent training”

Thanks to this agreement, both institutions commit to continuous medical development and catapult the international fame of the simulator of real clinical cases, Practicum Script.

Prof. Dr. Lifshitz: “Structuring diagnostic and therapeutic thinking is an unsolved pedagogical need”

Prof. Dr. Alberto Lifshitz, a recognized Mexican medical educator, "shares the view that diagnosis by analogy, which is the most often taught, is insufficient." In his opinion, confronting uncertainty, "is not a very well understood subject by hard scientists", but it is the ideal scenario. 


Dr. Prof. Freeman: “Assessments should not be only of learning but also for learning”

Dr Prof Adrian Freeman is an expert in medical education and president of the European Board of Medical Assessors (EBMA), an organization that audited the Practicum Script simulator a year ago. His conversation with Practicum Script suggests that timing and international vocation are the tool’s main credits.

Prof Collares explains EBMA’s endorsement of Practicum Script: “Beyond measuring knowledge, it stresses significant learning”

In November 2017, the European Board of Medical Assessors (EBMA) endorsed the Practicum Script clinical case simulator as a useful platform to implement clinical reasoning. We talk to the psychometrist Carlos Collares to know more about the education impact of the tool.

“In medicine, deficit of knowledge is possibly not as serious as deficit of the human factor“

The Argentine heart surgeon Jorge Trainini is a homo universalis. A pioneer in the use of stem cells in his specialty, today  he leads the Chair in Medical Education at the Practicum Foundation.

Prof Dr van der Vleuten, a Practicum Script consultant, defends progress testing in medical education in Exeter

Practicum has attended the “Looking Ahead in Progress Testing Conference 2018,” organized by the Medical School of the University of Exeter (UK) and the European Board of Medical Assessors (EBMA). The opening was led by Prof Dr Cees van der Vleuten, international consultant of Practicum Script and EBMA director.

The Practicum Foundation attends a master class with Michael W. Young, 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine

The first indication of the existence of a biological clock could be traced to the plant Mirabilis, whose leaves open towards the sun by day and close at nightfall. This is the analogy used by Dr. Michael W. Young, 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine and protagonist of the 37 Fernández-Cruz Memorial Lesson, to explain the circadian rhythm. 

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