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Primum non nocere: simulation and standardized patients

Simulation-based learning curves improve the results of traditional didactics. In fact, you can practice as much as you want and learn from errors without consequences. The electronic platforms of clinical cases and virtual patients are the best assets to face this challenge.

The World Health Organization works on a global health strategy

The 71st World Health Assembly, held in Geneva last week, dedicated part of its program to eHealth. Delegates agreed to give priority to the development of digital technologies in the field of health as a catalyst for multidirectional communications, feedback loops, and adaptive data-based management. 

The patient is the axis on which clinical excellence rotates

The Practicum Foundation has attended the V International Seminar on Patient Safety and Clinical Excellence, organized by Quirónsalud at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation in Madrid. The meeting has brought together about 350 professionals. We take the chance to interview Patrick Courneya, executive vice-president at Kaiser Permanente.

The Practicum Foundation attends the IV Universia International Rectors’ Meeting

Salamanca is the international epicenter of education with the IV Universia International Rectors’ Meeting, and our president, Dr. Eduardo Hornos, is one of the more than 700 academic representatives and personalities of politics and business invited to this symposium, held under the motto "University, Society, and Future."

The European Commission is committed to eHealth and asks the states to share health data

Next May 25, the new General Data Protection Regulation will come into force. For the first time, Brussels sets common standards on the right of people to know who, how, and why their data are being used or stored. In this framework, the European Commission demands the digital transformation of health systems.

The future of the continuing professional development in medicine

It is time to embrace professional development based on competencies. The transition will require professionals to evaluate their clinical performance, medical centers to provide indicators on a regular basis and train educators, and regulatory authorities to turn to the certification of competences.

The 2018-2019 Spanish Authors’ Committee on Pediatrics has been established

The national authors’ committee of Practicum Script of Pediatrics has already almost twenty experts. Training of the experts was delivered over three online seminars. The last one was tutored by Dr Jorge Martínez, an attending physician at the Pediatric Department of Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, in Madrid. 


Novice and clinical experts activate different hemispheric areas in decision making

As clinicians progress, everything indicates that decision making relies less on basic biomedical knowledge and more on previous experience. According to a study published in Advances in Health Sciences Education, with increased task difficulty, the clinical decision process in novices and experts activates distinct neuronal areas.

Medical error, education and learning

Indirect liability, presence of a witness, and negative consequences for the patient are the most favorable conditions for an error-friendly environment. These are the conclusions of a study carried out in Germany and published in BMJ. This same journal revealed in 2016 that medical error is the third cause of death in the US.


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