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Dr Eduardo Hornos: “We stand together against the coronavirus”

Amid the Covid-19 crisis, universities are adapting to the need to digitalize teaching, and the Practicum Foundation has made itself available.

Icíar Fernández, a sixth-year medical student at UFV: “Medicine is a profession linked to experience, and that is what Practicum Script provides”

Practicum Script joins theory and practice within a virtual environment and an active learning methodology. A sudent gives her opinion about Practicum Universities.

The Complutense University of Madrid Medical School is already offering Practicum Script

UCM is committed to improve the clinical reasoning of its medical students with Practicum Script. The goal Making better clinical decisions.

Prof Trainini: “The danger of the current medicine is the pure technique, the superspecialization of physicians without anthropology”

The Professor of Complexity-Based Medicine at the Practicum Foundation maintains that "the person's uniqueness must be recognized in the medical act."

Medical education: adaptive experience and self-regulated learning

Adaptive experience and self-regulated learning are crucial to develope an expert status. We need more expertise.

Prof Trevor Gibbs, President of AMEE: “Simulation is extremely important as a protection for patients”

Prof Gibbs would like newly qualified doctors to be able to say ‘I know how to manage the situations I’m going to encounter’ and that comes with practice. 

We have improved the Practicum Script mobile app by integrating the clinical debate forum

The clinical debate forum is already available on your mobile app. Come and join the discussion!

We are launching in four countries the clinical reasoning training programme for students

Francisco de Vitoria, La Salle, Ghent and Exeter universities offer the Practicum Universities clinical reasoning training programme to more than 750 students.

The Practicum Institute attended the congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Education along with leading national personalities

At the beginning of November, Dr Eduardo Hornos shared three days of medical education in Salamanca. On the table: simulation, flipped learning and assessment.

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